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RSS FeedsWhy Turkey`s currency is plunging and what it means
(WorldNews Turkey)


10 august 2018 19:49:09

Why Turkey`s currency is plunging and what it means
(WorldNews Turkey)

ISTANBUL (AP) - The tumble in Turkey`s currency on Friday signaled deepening pessimism about the country`s economy after months of market declines. The lira fell as low as 6.75 to the dollar, down a whopping 14 percent on the day and 41 percent since the start of the year as investors worry about the country`s economic policies and a dispute with the United States that has led to sanctions and new tariffs. Here is a look at the situation - what caused the plunge and what impact it might have. --- Q: Why is Turkey`s currency so weak? A: Turkey`s economy has grown strongly in recent years, but that has required a lot of foreign investment and the country imports more than it exports. Together,...

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